Talk by Damian Tamburri - IDEA: Frictionless Development Communities (hosted by Gail Murphy)


Speaker: Damian Tamburri, Ph.D. Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Title: IDEA: Frictionless Development Communities


What is social debt in software engineering? pivoting around this research question, in previous work we elaborated on scenarios that might exhibit some negative and invisible value connected to sub-optimal characteristics and operations in the development community. How do we uncover such negative and invisible value? A reasonable first step is to define the ideal form that a certain development community should exhibit, so as to (eventually) deduce social debt by incongruence with such a form. With this in mind, we define the notion of Frictionless Development Communities, i.e. dependable communities that promote and sustain dependable code development and operation. Also, we elaborate on ways in which this notion can be investigated to pursue the study of social debt in software engineering. This investigation, involves key concepts related to social debt, e.g. social-code graphs (as a means to express and study Socio-Technical Congruence in developers networks) and technical debt (as a means to reason on dependable software code and the communities around it).

