Global Game Jam


Spend 48-hours making a video game, and join over 300 folks already registered at the Vancouver jam site at UBC, and over 20,000 people world-wide this January 24-26th (more details below). The cost is $25, includes an awesome t-shirt, some meals, and more!  Don’t miss out on one of the largest UBC CS events of the year (over 100 UBC CS students already registered), and one of Vancouver's biggest game-development event!

New: Free workshop, Saturday, January 11th (have the pros at Unity teach you Unity). If you’re new to jamming, want to learn Unity, or improve your Unity, our free Unity workshop may be just right for you.  January 11th spend the day with Unity’s trainer and learn 2D and 3D game programming so that you’re in tip-top shape for the jam.

There’s also a post-jam workshop held by Microsoft that will help you get your Unity game on Windows, Windows Phone, and even Xbox One.

New: Pre-jam mixer, Thursday, January 23rd at EXP Bar & Restaurant.  Meet your fellow jammers!

Details, questions, registration: