Software as a Service Architecture at ACL-Talk by Peter Smith


SPEAKER: Peter Smith, ACL

HOST: Gail Murphy

TITLE: Software as a Service Architecture at ACL


In this talk, we’ll see a high-level overview of the SaaS architecture used at ACL, a Vancouver-based company focused on Audit and Compliance software. ACL’s current architecture is fairly typical for a SaaS company, using technologies such as Ruby-on-Rails, along with modern JavaScript frameworks. We’ll show how ACL is currently using Amazon Web Services (AWS), and will briefly describe some of the new AWS features we plan to adopt over the next year. Finally, we’ll touch on some upcoming technical challenges that may spark interesting research ideas.


Peter Smith (UBC PhD 1998) is a Principal Software Engineer at ACL, focused on SaaS infrastructure. After teaching at UBC for a few years, he worked in Silicon Valley at an IP Networking company, where he learned that California is full of workaholics. After returning to Vancouver, he consulted for 10 years, primarily at networking companies such as Ericsson and Cisco. In 2015, he joined ACL as a full-time employee, where his first major project was to migrate the ACL cloud platform onto AWS.