Talk by Roger Tam, UBC


ANGU 254, Henry Angus Building, 2053 Main Mall V6T 1Z2

Title: Machine Learning of Brain Images for Precision Health

Abstract: In this talk, I will provide an overview of machine learning in neuroimaging, with a focus on deep learning in chronic brain disorders. I will motivate the need for machine learning in neuroimaging, and outline key challenges, promising approaches, and active research topics.

Bio: Professor Tam's research interest in medical imaging goes back over 20 years. His Masters thesis was in medical informatics, and his PhD (UBC, 2004) was in computational shape modelling for computer vision and scientific visualization. He was a Research Associate in Neurology from 2004 to 2007, and since 2007 he has been a faculty member in Radiology. For the past 7 years, his main research interest has been applying machine learning to brain images for segmentation and clinical prediction in chronic neurological diseases.