MSc Thesis Presentation - Dylan Brown


Name: Dylan Brown

Time: 4-5 PM

Date: July 30th

Location: ICCS 202.

Supervisor: Will Evans

Title: Computing the Attention Center of a Simple Polygon Event Link:


We introduce a new definition of center for a simple polygon P called the attention center, which is the point c inside P that minimizes the maximum geodesic distance from any p ∈ P to the visibility region of c.

We survey various definitions of center which use geodesically convex distance metrics on simple polygons and their algorithms. We show attention distance is not geodesically convex but instead geodesically quasiconvex, a concept mostly seen to this point in the study of Riemannian manifolds, and present an algorithm which calculates the attention center of a simple polygon with n vertices to within error ε in O (n2 log n/ε) time.