Joanna McGrenere, Dinesh Pai, Alla Sheffer Awarded NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements
The Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS) Program provides substantial and timely resources to a small group of researchers whose research proposals suggest and explore high-risk, novel or potentially transformative concepts and lines of inquiry, and are likely to have impact by contributing to groundbreaking advances. Valued at $120,000 over three years, the awards are given to top-ranked researchers whose programs are highly rated for originality and innovation by their peers.
Three CS faculty were awarded the DAS:
Joanna McGrenere - for her work on The Design of Information Computing Technology for Older Adults
Dinesh Pai - for his work on Computational Models of Human Movement
Alla Sheffer - for her work on Creation of Detailed Virtual Shapes
For Dinesh Pai this is the second such award; he also received the DAS in 2007, the first year the DAS program was introduced.
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