CS Associate Member Sohrab Shah Maps the Evolution of Breast Cancer 'Avatars'
November 28, 2014 - UBC Computer Science Associate Member Sohrab Shah and his team at the BC Cancer Agency successfully map the evolution of breast cancer 'avatars'. Published today in the prestigious journal, Nature, the research identifies the cancer 'super-cells' that expand and dominate over time, and if left untreated, have the most deadly impact on cancer patients. Using a combination of genomic sequencing and a new computational model, PyClone, the research provides the global cancer community with an invaluable tool to track cancer mutations, and has set a 'gold standard in its ability to measure breast cancers' evolution over time' .
Dr. Sohrab Shah is a scientist at the BC Cancer Agency and an assistant professor in UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. He graduated with his master's degree in Computer Science under the supervision of Professor Anne Condon, and his PhD in Computer Science under the supervision of Professors Raymond Ng and Kevin Murphy. More information on his research could be found here.