Chen Greif

UBC Computer Science Welcomes New Department Head Chen Greif

UBC Computer Science professor Chen Greif—an expert in scientific computing with a strong record in undergraduate teaching and service— is the new head of the Department of Computer Science, effective January 1, 2016.  
Greif earned his PhD in applied mathematics from UBC and was recruited back to the university in 2002 after stints as a post-doctoral scholar at Stanford and as a senior software engineer in industry. He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers in top journals and conference proceedings, and has co-authored (with Uri Ascher) A First Course in Numerical Methods.

"These are exciting times for computer science,” says Greif. “I’m committed to solidifying and strengthening our stature as a leading Canadian computer science department in teaching, research and other fronts."

Greif has earned the department’s Incredible Instructor award three times. He has served on a wide range of department committees and since 2013 has served as the Associate Head of Undergraduate Affairs. Outside UBC, Greif is a member of the editorial boards of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing and SIAM Computational Science and Engineering Book Series, is currently the Chair of the Gene Golub SIAM Summer School, and has been active in various leadership roles in the scientific community.