UBC Computer Science ranks in top 4 worldwide for computer graphics
Computer Science Department ranking website https://csrankings.org/ places UBC Computer Science in the top 4 across universities worldwide for computer graphics, as measured by top-tier publications during 2008-2016.
We knew for many years that UBC Computer Science had one of the best computer graphics research groups in the world, and now we have some more numbers to show it. A new ranking of computer science departments across North America and Europe based on numbers of papers at top venues (csrankings.org), ranks UBC as #4 for computer graphics research, just behind a select few departments such as MIT and Stanford. The ranking for computer graphics is based on number of papers published in ACM Transactions on Graphics, including the proceedings of SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia, the most competitive venues in this field. UBC computer graphics faculty Robert Bridson, Wolfgang Heidrich, Dinesh Pai, Alla Sheffer, and Michiel van de Panne conduct research across a range of areas within computer graphics, including, modeling, imaging, rendering and animation and actively collaborate with many other top research groups in the world.