Graph Drawing Symposium 2020 Hosted by UBC Computer Science
When you have the opportunity to attend a world-class conference in one of the most livable cities in the world, you jump. Vancouver is such a place.
Unless of course, there happens to be a pandemic.
So, like many other conferences, the 28th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD2020) is being hosted online instead, from Wednesday, Sept. 16 – Friday, Sept. 18.
The GD2020 is organized by the University of British Columbia’s Department of Computer Science, in cooperation with the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, and has been the main annual event in the area of geometric representation of graphs for over 25 years.
Dr. Will Evans of UBC Computer Science is the Organizing Committee Chair of this year’s conference and has worked diligently with the committee to deliver the symposium virtually, in a palatable and engaging format. “There was a lot of collaborative work among the two Program Committee Chairs and myself on how to run an online version,” he says. “And after the first day, I'm really pleased about how that’s working out.”
GD2020 format is a combination of offline and real-time
To accommodate the lack of physical togetherness for the conference this year, the presentation of each paper consists of a pre-recorded video (15/10 minutes) and a partial online presentation discussion, followed by Q & A.
The Symposium focuses on combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of graph drawing as well as the design of network visualization systems and interfaces. Areas of application include data science, social sciences, distributed computing, information systems, biology, geography, business intelligence, information security and software engineering.

For more detailed information about the conference, visit gd2020.cs.ubc.ca/
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