Laks V.S. Lakshmanan and team earn spot in prestigious ‘Best of SIGMOD 2020’
When your already-award-winning paper is selected to be published in a special issue of a highly-acclaimed journal that requires an extremely high bar of technical results and real-world applications, you know your research is as valid and important as you supposed.
The expanded version of an award-winning paper authored by six international computer science researchers, including UBC’s Dr. Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, has earned a publication spot in a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Database Systems (ACM TODS) journal, called ‘Best of SIGMOD 2020.’
The expanded paper is based on the research team’s SIGMOD 2020 paper, which already received the ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights Award. However, just because one receives the Research Highlights Award, there is not a guaranteed acceptance to the special issue, where papers are subject to intense reviewing. The process is highly rigorous.

So when the team was invited to submit their extended 45-page version of their paper, it was time to hunker down.
In fact, reviews on their extended piece were all-encompassing, which challenged the authors to scrutinize and revise their own work. The end result is a highly refined paper, and in turn, has further punctuated the importance and validity of their research.
“We are honoured to be held to this exceptional level of accountability, because it enables us to stand behind our research with absolute conviction,” said Dr. Lakshmanan.
More about Dr. Laks V.S. Lakshmanan