Three service awards have been attributed to the Computer Science Department
The Department of Computer Science has received an outstanding number of Faculty of Science Excellence in Service Awards.
There are only 10 of these awards each year and The Faculty of Science has 11 different units. We are thrilled as a department that three of our own were bestowed with these awards:
Steve Wolfman, our Associate Head of Operations & Professor of Teaching (Faculty category), has given 20 years of “can-do” service of the highest possible calibre to the department and university that spans a myriad of roles and capacities.
Reto Achermann, a Postdoctoral Fellow (Staff and Postdocs category), has received the award for introducing a new undergraduate operating systems course and making it sustainable after his departure, for fostering a supportive and collegial environment for graduate students, and for giving endless technical and personal advice, support, and mentoring to both graduate and undergraduate students. Reto does the invisible work that significantly contributes to the academic and personal growth of many students.
Paulette Koronkevich, a PhD student (Student category), receives this award for the tireless and exemplary volunteer work in advocacy for underrepresented groups, students in hardship, and for mutually-respectful working relationships between the department's constituents as a whole.