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The Reading Room houses a collection of private books beloning to ICICS Faculty.

Sathish Gopalakrishnan (EECE)

Dr. Gopalakrishnan's graduate students may sign out these books for a term loan, on a priority basis. Others may sign out books for a 2-week loan, subject to recall.

  • Algorithm design / Kleinberg, Tardos
  • The algorithm design manual. 2nd ed. / Skiena
  • Algorithmics: the spirit of computing. 3rd ed. / Harel, Feldman
  • Algorithms / Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani
  • Algorithms unlocked / Cormen
  • The art and craft of problem solving. 2nd ed. / Zeitz
  • The art of computer programming. Vol. 1 Fundamental algorithms. 2nd ed. / Knuth
  • The art of computer programming: Volume 4A Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1 / Knuth
  • The C programming language. 2nd ed. / Kernighan, Ritchie
  • The C++ programming language. 3rd ed. / Stroustrup
  • Canadian professional engineering and geoscience: practice and ethics. 4th ed. / Andrews
  • The character of physical law / Feynman
  • The clean coder: a code of conduct for professional progeammers / Martin
  • Combinatorial optimization: algorithms and complexity / Papadimitriou, Steiglitz
  • Combinatorial optimization: polyhedral and efficiency. Vol. A-C / Schrijver
  • Communication systems engineering. 2nd ed. / Proakis, Salehi
  • Compilers: principles, techniques, and tools / Aho, Sethi, Ullman
  • Computational complexity / Papadimitriou
  • Computer architecture: a quantitative approach. 2nd ed. / Hennessy, Patterson
  • Computer networks: a systems approach. 2nd ed. / Peterson, Davie
  • Computer systems: a programmer's perspective. 2nd ed. / Bryant, O'Hallaron
  • Computers and intractability: a guide to the theory of NP-Completeness / Garey, Johnson
  • Computers as components: principles of embedded computer system design / Wolf
  • Constraint processing / Dechter
  • Cryptography: theory and practice / Stinson
  • Data networks. 2nd ed.  / Bertsekas, Gallager
  • Database management systems. 2nd ed. / Ramakrishnan, Gehrke
  • The design of design: essays from a computer scientist / Brooks
  • The design of the Unix operating system / Bach
  • Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software / Gamma, Hlem, Johnson, Vlissides
  • Discrete mathematics. 7th ed. / Johnsonbaugh
  • Discrete mathematics: mathematical reasoning and proof with puzzles, patterns, and games / Ensley, Crawley
  • Discrete mathematics and its applications. 6th ed. / Rosen
  • Discrete mathematics for computer scientists / Stein, Drysdale, Bogart
  • Discrete mathematics with applications. 3rd ed. / Epp
  • Discrete mathematics with proof. 2nd ed. / Gossett
  • Distributed operating systems : concepts and design / Sinha
  • Distributed systems. 2nd ed. / Mullender (eds)
  • Eats, shoots & leaves: the zero tolerence approach to punctuation / Truss
  • Effective Java. 2nd ed. / Bloch
  • Embedded systems: introduction to ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. vol. 1. 3rd ed. / Valvano
  • Embedded systems: real-time interfacing to ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. vol.2. 2nd ed. / Valvano
  • Embedded systems: real-time operating systems for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. vol. 3. 2nd ed. / Valvano
  • Far from the madding gerund and other dispatches from Language Log / Liberman, Pullum
  • Foundations of algorithms. 4th ed. / Neapolitan, Naimipour
  • Fundamentals of digital logic with VHDL design. 3rd ed. / Brown, Vranesic
  • Fundamentals of electric circuits. 4th ed. / Alexander, Sadiku
  • Graph theory: with applications to engineering and computer science / Deo
  • Information theory, inference, and learning algorithms / MacKay
  • Interconnections: bridges, routers, switches, and internetworking protocols. 2nd ed. / Perlman
  • Introduction to algorithms / Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest
  • An introduction to the analysis of algorithms. 2nd ed. / Sedgewick, Flajolet
  • Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. 3rd ed. / Levitin
  • Introduction to linear optimization / Bertsimas, Tsitsiklis
  • Java and XML / McLaughlin
  • Java in a nutshell: a desktop quick reference. 3rd ed. / Flanagan
  • Linux device drivers. 3rd ed. / Corbet, Rubini, Kroah-Hartman
  • Linux kernel development. 2nd ed. / Love
  • Making sense: a student’s guide to research and writing. 4th ed. / Northey, Jewinski
  • Making the most of college: students speak their minds / Light
  • The mathematics of nonlinear programming (Undergraduate texts in mathematics) / Peressini, Sullivan, Uhl Jr.
  • Network algorithmics: an interdisciplinary approach to designing fast networked devices / Varghese
  • Nonlinear programming. 2nd ed. / Bertsekas
  • Practical law of architecture, engineering, and geoscience. 2nd Canadian ed. / Samuels, Sanders
  • Practical UNIX and internet security. 2nd ed. / Garfinkel, Spafford
  • The practice of programming / Kernighan, Pike
  • Presentation zen: simple ideas on presentation design and delivery / Reynolds
  • Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems: networks of plausible inference. 2nd ed. / Pearl
  • Programming Perl. 2nd ed. / Wall, Christiansen, Schwartz
  • Randomized algorithms / Motwani, Raghavan
  • Real-time design patterns: robust scalable architecture for real-time systems / Douglass
  • Real-time systems and programming languages: Ada, Real-time Java and C/Real-Time POSIX. 4th ed. / Burns, Wellings
  • Real-time systems design and analysis : an engineer’s handbook. 2nd ed. / Laplante
  • Reconfigurable computing / Huack, Dehon
  • Smalltalk: an introduction to application development using visualworks / Hopkins, Horan
  • A student's introduction to English grammar / Huddleston, Pullum
  • Understanding modern transistors and diodes / Pulfrey
  • Understanding the linux kernel. 3rd ed. / Bovet, Cesati
  • Unix power tools. 2nd ed. / Peek, O’Reilly, Loukides
  • Virtual machine : Versatile platforms for systems and processes / Smith, Nair
  • Wireless sensor networks: an information processing approach / Zhao, Guibas
  • Yes, I could care less: how to be a language snob without being a jerk / Walsh