Karina Mochetti

Assistant Professor of Teaching


Research Areas

computer science education


2024 Winter
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
2023 Winter
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
2022 Winter
CPSC 436S - Topics in Computer Science
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
2021 Winter
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 103 - Introduction to Systematic Program Design
2020 Winter
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 103 - Introduction to Systematic Program Design
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
CPSC 121 - Models of Computation
2019 Winter
CPSC 103 - Introduction to Systematic Program Design