Michiel van de Panne


Office Phone #

Academic Information

B.A.Sc., University of Calgary (1987); M.A.Sc., University of Toronto (1989); Ph.D., University of Toronto (1994); Assistant Professor, University of Toronto (1993-1998); Associate Professor, University of Toronto (1998-2001); Visiting Professor, University of British Columbia (1999-2001); Motion Playground Inc. (2000-2004 ); Associate Professor, UBC (2001-2008 ); Full Professor, UBC (2008-)

Research Areas

artificial intelligence
machine learning


My research interests that span reinforcement learning, control, physics-based simulation of human and animal movement, robotics, computer animation, and computer graphics. How can we develop models of human and animal movement that match their skills and agility in real life?  What is the best way to learn new motor skills?  How can we develop reinforcement learning and planning methods that transfer well to the real world, as opposed to being limited to simulations?


reinforcement learning
physics-based simulation of movement
human animation


2024 Winter
CPSC 533V - Topics in Computer Graphics - LEARNING TO MOVE
2023 Winter
CPSC 533V - Topics in Computer Graphics - LEARNING TO MOVE
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
2022 Winter
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
2021 Winter
CPSC 426 - Computer Animation
CPSC 533V - Topics in Computer Graphics - LEARNING TO MOVE
2019 Winter
CPSC 533V - Topics in Computer Graphics - LEARNING TO MOVE
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
2018 Winter
CPSC 426 - Computer Animation
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
2017 Winter
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
CPSC 526 - Computer Animation
2016 Winter
CPSC 426 - Computer Animation
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics
2014 Winter
CPSC 526 - Computer Animation
CPSC 314 - Computer Graphics