Wolfgang Heidrich

Affiliate Professor & Dolby Research Chair

Academic Information

Diploma in Computer Science, University of Erlangen (1995); M.Math (Computer Science), University of Waterloo (1996); PhD (with honours), University of Erlangen (1999); Research Associate, Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science (April 1999- August 2000); Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia (2000-2004), Associate Professor, University of British Columbia (2004-2010), Dolby Research Chair in Computer Science (since 2008), Professor, University of British Columbia (since 2010).

Selected Publications

Michael Goesele, Xavier Granier, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Hans-Peter Seidel, "Accurate Light Source Acquisition and Rendering", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph '03), pp. 621-630, August 2003.

Hendrik Lensch, Jan Kautz, Michael Goesele, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Hans-Peter Seidel, "Image-Based Reconstruction of Spatial Appearance and Geometric Detail", ACM Transactions on Graphics, pp. 234-257, April 2003.

Wolfgang Heidrich, Katja Daubert, Jan Kautz, and Hans-Peter Seidel, "Illuminating Micro Geometry Based on Precomputed Visibility", Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '00 Proceedings), pp. 455-465, July 2000.

David Pritchard and Wolfgang Heidrich, "Cloth Motion Capture", Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2003), pp. 263-271, September 2003.

Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel, "Realistic, Hardware-Accelerated Shading and Lighting", Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '99 Proceedings), pp. 171-178, August 1999.


My primary research domains are computer graphics, and more recently also some aspects of computer vision, especially image-based modeling and acqusition. More specifically, I have recently worked on image-based HDR imaging and displays, geometry acquisition, hardware-accelerated and image-based rendering, and global illumination. For a detailed overview of my work, please refer to my home page or directly to my project pages.