Technical Reports
A VUCOM-4 Visual Editor
On the Invariance of the Interpolation Points of the Discrete $l_{1}$-approximation
On Reading Sketch Maps
Computers and the Mechanization of Judgment
A New Notation for Derivations in Chomsky's Generative Grammars
An Unambiguous Scanner for Special Character Tokens
Unlanguage Grammars and Their Uses
Simulation in a Theory of Programmable Machines
Coroutines in a Theory of Programmable Machines
FUNL Semantics Work Towards UNCOL
A Simulation Study of Adaptive Scheduling Policies in Interactive Computer Systems
Duals of Intuitionistic Tableaus
Assaulting the Tower of Babel: Experiences with a Translator Writing System
A Collocation Solver for Mixed Order Systems of Boundary Value Problems
Evaluation of B-splines for Solving Systems of Boundary Value Problems
Deductive Question-Answering on Relational Data Bases
On Closed World Data Bases
Some Connections Between the Minimal Polynomial and the Automorphism of a Graph
Topics in Discourse Analysis
On the Separation of Two Matrices