Congratulations to Computer Science undergraduate student Tiffany Wu, who is the winner of the UBC Pride art installation contest. The contest challenged…
Computer Science M.Sc. students Shane Sims and Vanessa Putnam, and Professor Cristina Conati won the best paper award at the IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Humanizing…
UBC Computer Science Professor and Canada 150 Research Chair Margo Seltzer is the recipient of the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award ("The Flame"). The award…
UBC Computer Science Assistant Professor Ivan Beschastnikh is part of an inter-disciplinary, campus-wide Blockchain@UBC team that will launch Canada's first…
Congratulations to Ph.D student Julie Nutini for receiving the 2 018 Canadian Computer Science Distinguished Dissertation Award, awarded by CS-Can/Info-Can. The…
Computer Science Professor Cristina Conati has been awarded $40K from the Canadian Institute For Advanced Research ( CIFAR) AI and Society Initiative to…
The UBC ACM Programming Team competed in the World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in Porto, Portugal on April 4, 2019. The team…
The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags will be lowered on Wednesday, April 10, in remembrance of Computer Science Emeritus Professor Richard Rosenberg, who started…
UBC Computer Science instructor Elisa Baniassad is the recipient of a 2018-2019 UBC Killam Teaching Prize, UBC’s most prestigious teaching award. This award is…
CS PhD student Susanne Bradley is the recipient of a UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. This award is given out to only 16 UBC graduate students who…