Anne Condon, a University of Washington PhD alumna, wins the University of Washington Computer Science and Engineering Alumni Achievement Award. In 2010, Anne…
Innovations implemented by CS alumnae Shahrzad Rafati, CEO of Broadband TV, resulted in her being named one of the world's top 100 creative business thinkers…
UBC CS won best Canadian dissertation awards in both HCI and Computer Graphics. Stelian Coros, supervised by Michiel van de Panne, won the Alain Fournier…
Zite featured in Globe and Mail! The article titled " The Race to Build the 'Daily Me'" by David Ebner explores the history behind the company and the idea to…
Wolfgang Heidrich, together with Ph.D student Gordon Wetzstein and Ramesh Raskar from the MIT Media Lab, win Best Paper Award at the International Conference on…
Michele Ng, UBC CS's Special Projects Coordinator, has won the UBC President's Service Award for Excellence, for her incredible and tireless work with industry…
Vincent Levesque, Karon MacLean and Louise Oram designed and creatively evaluated new interaction techniques in order to reveal the new ways that the novel…
Computer Science PhD student Mahdi Tayarani Najaran, together with Computer Science undergraduate students Eason Hu and Ben Sheftel, won second place and a $10…
Co-founders Mik Kersten and UBC Computer Science Professor Gail Murphy provide task-focused interface technology for the computer programming industry. Tasktop…
The Alfred Scow award is granted to an undergraduate program or department that has contributed to student development in honour of his commitment to UBC and…