A recent UBC news article put the spotlight on those who are defying the restrictions of age and time as they get ready to graduate. One such student, Floria Gu…
UBC Computer Science Associate Professor Dr. Ivan Beschastnikh and his team of researchers have made an exciting breakthrough in the field of distributed…
Dr. Alex Summers, an associate professor at the University of British Columbia, along with his co-authors grad student Thibault Dardinier and Dr. Peter Müller…
Imagine completing a full-time medical residency in psychiatry while also earning your computer science masters degree part-time over four years? That’s exactly…
The UBC Computer Science department has an impressive showing of accepted papers and projects at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems…
The University of British Columbia’s Computer Science Department has been chosen to host the 25 th Annual Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education in…
Dr. Margo Seltzer, a professor at the University of British Columbia’s Computer Science Department, has been named the 2023-2024 ACM Athena Lecturer by the…
UBC Computer Science Professor Emeritus Dr. Alan Mackworth has been recognized for his outstanding contributions to the field of computer science by winning the…
A research paper co-authored by UBC Computer Science Assistant Professor Dr. Andrew Roth and published in Nature Communications, helps to characterize patterns…
Dr. Cristina Conati, Professor of Computer Science at UBC and Distinguished Scholar at the UBC Sauder School of Business, has been awarded a UBC 2022 Killam…