Chen Greif


Office Phone #

Academic Information

B.Sc., Applied Mathematics, Tel Aviv (1991); M.Sc., Applied Mathematics, Tel Aviv (1994); Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, UBC (1998); Postdoctoral Fellow, SCCM Program, Stanford University (1998-2000); Senior Software Engineer, Parametric Technology Corp. (2000-2002); Assistant Professor, UBC (2002-2007); Associate Professor, UBC (2007-2012); Professor (2012-...).

Research Areas

scientific computing


My research interests fall in the broad category of scientific computing. I am primarily interested in numerical linear algebra, and in particular, in investigating and implementing iterative techniques for efficiently solving large sparse linear systems that arise in various areas of applications, ranging from partial differential equations to constrained optimization problems.


2024 Winter
CPSC 402 - Numerical Linear Algebra
CPSC 517 - Sparse Matrix Computation
2023 Winter
CPSC 517 - Sparse Matrix Computation
CPSC 302 - Numerical Computation for Algebraic Problems
2022 Winter
CPSC 517 - Sparse Matrix Computation
CPSC 302 - Numerical Computation for Algebraic Problems
2017 Winter
CPSC 542G - Topics in Numerical Computation
2014 Winter
CPSC 303 - Numerical Approximation and Discretization