Technical Reports
Scale-Based Descriptions of Planar Curves
On Gapping Grammars
Definite Clause Translation Grammars
Classes of Numeration Models of $\lambda$-Calculus
On The Adequacy of Predicate Circumscription For Closed-World Reasoning
A Unified Approach to the Geometric Rectification of remotely Sensed Imagery
Numeration models of $\lambda$B-Calculus
RF-Maple: A Logic Programming Language with Functions, Types & Concurrency
A View of Programming Languages as Symbiosis of Meaning & Control
Photometric Method for Determining Shape from Shading
Definite Clause Translation Grammars & the Logical Specification of Data Types as Unambiguous Context Free Grammars
A Generalization of the Frank Matrix
Stability of Collocation at Gaussian Points
Photometric Method for Radiometric Correction of Multispectral Scanner Data
Scale-Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes
A Theory of Schema Labelling
Collocation for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Revisited
The Design of a Distributed Interpreter for Concurrent Prolog
Natural Deduction Based Set Theories: A New Resolution of the Old Paradoxes
An Alternative Characterization of Precomplete Numerations
The File System of a Logic Operating System
Recursion Theorems and Effective Domains
Nyström's Method versus Fourier Type Methods for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equations
An Efficient Implementation of a Conformal Mapping Method Using the Szegö Kernel
Theory of Pairs, Part I: Provably Recursive Functions