Technical Reports


Scale-Based Descriptions of Planar Curves
Alan K. Mackworth and Farzin Mokhtarian
On Gapping Grammars
Harvey Abramson and Veronica Dahl
Definite Clause Translation Grammars
Harvey Abramson
Classes of Numeration Models of $\lambda$-Calculus
Akira Kanda
On The Adequacy of Predicate Circumscription For Closed-World Reasoning
David W. Etherington, Robert E. Mercer and Raymond Reiter
A Unified Approach to the Geometric Rectification of remotely Sensed Imagery
Frank Hay-Chee Wong
Numeration models of $\lambda$B-Calculus
Akira Kanda
RF-Maple: A Logic Programming Language with Functions, Types & Concurrency
Paul J. Voda and Benjamin Yu
A View of Programming Languages as Symbiosis of Meaning & Control
Paul J. Voda
Photometric Method for Determining Shape from Shading
R. J. Woodham
Definite Clause Translation Grammars & the Logical Specification of Data Types as Unambiguous Context Free Grammars
Harvey Abramson
A Generalization of the Frank Matrix
James M. Varah
Stability of Collocation at Gaussian Points
Uri Ascher and G. Bader
Photometric Method for Radiometric Correction of Multispectral Scanner Data
R. J. Woodham and T. K. Lee
Scale-Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes
Farzin Mokhtarian and Alan K. Mackworth
A Theory of Schema Labelling
William S. Havens
Collocation for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Revisited
Uri Ascher
The Design of a Distributed Interpreter for Concurrent Prolog
Chun Man Tam
Natural Deduction Based Set Theories: A New Resolution of the Old Paradoxes
Paul C. Gilmore
An Alternative Characterization of Precomplete Numerations
Akira Kanda
The File System of a Logic Operating System
Anthony J. Kusalik
Recursion Theorems and Effective Domains
Akira Kanda
Nyström's Method versus Fourier Type Methods for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equations
Manfred R. Trummer
An Efficient Implementation of a Conformal Mapping Method Using the Szegö Kernel
Manfred R. Trummer
Theory of Pairs, Part I: Provably Recursive Functions
Paul J. Voda