


Award Recipient(s) Organization
Motion Metrics/ICICS Graduate Scholarship
Dereck Toker ICICS
University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering Alumni Achievement Award
Gail Murphy University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship
Yanyan Zhuang NSERC
CACS/AIC Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher Award
Kevin Leyton-Brown CACS/AIC
Steacie Memorial Fellowship
Kevin Leyton-Brown NSERC
CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award
Ron Estrin CRA


Award Recipient(s) Organization
2013 Computer Science Department Teaching Award
David Kirkpatrick, George Tsiknis, Kurt Eiselt, Michael Friedlander , Paul Carter, Rachel Pottinger UBC Department of Computer Science
Killam Teaching Prize
Kevin Leyton-Brown, Paul Carter UBC Faculty of Science
UBC Computer Science Department Graduate TA Award
Farbod Roosta-Khorasani, James (Teng) Lo, Jonatan Schroeder, Kailun Zhang, Matt Gingerich, Natasha Jaques, Pax Gonzales, Peter Beshai, Rebecca McKnight, Robert Jackson Sumi, Steve Ramage UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Undergraduate TA Award
Albert Xing, Alexander Gondek, Boyang (Tom) Jin, Bryan Tai, Eric Shadwick, Jasdeep Khela, Lynsey Haynes, Patty Wang, Samantha Leung, Wynn Tran UBC Department of Computer Science


Award Recipient(s) Organization
UBC Computer Science Department Student Service Award
Baharak Rastegari, Daria Bondareva, Juliette Link, Mark Spear UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Student Service Award
Crystal Lok Koo, Etienne Hossack, Hardy Wijaya, Kathleen Tichauer, Maggie Phan, Sandy Fang, Vlad Zaharia UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Fostering a Collegial Environment)
Violet Redekop UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Going Above and Beyond)
UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Supporting Students and/or Educational Programs)
Anthony Winstanley, Michele Ng UBC Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Team Award)
Jessica Wrinskelle, Tech Staff, Violet Redekop UBC Department of Computer Science

Undergrad Achievement

Award Recipient(s) Organization
Governor General's Silver Medal Academic Award of Excellence
Ron Estrin Governor General of Canada
Maria Klawe Endowment Award
Arianne Dee UBC Department of Computer Science
Martin Frauendorf Memorial Prize
Ennas Abdussalam UBC Department of Computer Science
Rick Sample Summer Internship
Samantha Krieger UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (BA)
Mikhail Baryshev UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (BCS)
Hardy Wijaya UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (BUCS)
Vitor Cid UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (COGS)
Kevin Budiman UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Combined Honours)
Ron Estrin UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Combined Majors)
Philip Poulin UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Honours)
Xin Ru Wang UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Majors)
Yicheng Chen UBC Department of Computer Science
Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
Susannah Kirby Google


Award Recipient(s) Organization
ACM SIGGRAPH/EG Best Paper Honorable Mention
Michiel van de Panne, Shailen Agrawal ACM SIGGRAPH/EG
Motion in Games Conference Best Paper Award
Michiel van de Panne, Shailen Agrawal, Shuo Shen Motion in Games Conference
IEEE Distinguished Paper Award (WCRE)
Michael W. Godfrey, Oleksii Kononenko, Olga Baysal, Reid Holmes Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE)
AIJ Classic Paper Award
Alan Mackworth AIJ
IJCAI Distinguished Paper Award
David Matheson, Masrour Zoghi, Nando de Freitas, Ziyu Wang IJCAI
CAIAC Lifetime Achievement Award
David Poole CAIAC
Eurographics Fellow
Wolfgang Heidrich Eurographics Association
UMAP Best Paper Award
Cristina Conati, Samad Kardan UMAP
ICSE Most Influential Paper Award
Gail Murphy ICSE
Alain Fournier Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation
Tyson Brochu Alain Fournier Memorial Fund
Microsoft SEIF Award
Joanna McGrenere Microsoft Research
Alfred Sloan Research Fellowship
Nick Harvey Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
CACS Outstanding Young Computer Science Research Prize
Michael Friedlander Canadian Association of Computer Science
Charles McDowell Award
Nando de Freitas UBC VP Research & International
UBC Killam Research Fellowship
Cristina Conati UBC VP Research & International
UBC Killam Research Prize
Dinesh Pai UBC VP Research & International


Award Recipient(s) Organization
IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation Outstanding Service Award
Alan Hu IEEE Council Outstanding Service Award story
IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation Outstanding Service Award
Alan Hu IEEE
UBC President's Staff Award
Moyra Ditchfield UBC
UBC Computer Department Student Service Award
Hagit Schechter, Vasanth Rajendran UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Student Service Award
Maria Piao, Michelle Chuang, Peter Cheung, Richard Lei, Richard Lo, Tina Wang UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Fostering a Collegial Environment)
Dan Miner UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Going Above and Beyond)
Tim Li UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Supporting Research)
Laura Selander UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Supporting Students and/or Educational Program)
Giuliana Villegas UBC Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Staff Award (Team Award)
Hermie Lam, Holly Kwan, Kletnathee Imhiran, Lara Hall, Laura Selander UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Faculty of Science Achievement Award for Service
Anthony Winstanley UBC Faculty of Science


Award Recipient(s) Organization
2012 CS Department Teaching Award
Donald Acton, Gregor Kiczales, Nick Harvey, Patrice Belleville, Paul Carter, Rook Bridson UBC Department of Computer Science
Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Julius Davies UBC VP Academic
Maria Klawe Endowment Award
Anika Mahmud UBC Department of Computer Science
Maria Klawe Endowment Award
Anika Mahmud UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Graduate TA Award
Jessica Dawson, Joel Ferstay, Junhao Shi, Matiul Alam, Michael Firmin, Mikhail Bessmeltsev, Nima Kaviani, Shailen Agrawal, Zachary Drudi UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Undergraduate TA Award
Benjamin Israel, Bita Nejat, Brendan Shillingford, Caroline McQuatt, Chris Smith, Chris Thompson, John-Jose Nunez, Shirley Ly, Thea Simpson UBC Department of Computer Science
Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Julius Davis UBC VP Academic

Undergrad Achievement

Award Recipient(s) Organization
Governor General's Silver Medal
Ruiyuan Chen Governor General of Canada
Maria Klawe Endowment Award
Leemor Yuravlivker UBC Department of Computer Science
Maria Klawe Endowment Award
Leemor Yuravlivker UBC Department of Computer Science
Martin Frauendorf Memorial Prize
Angel Cheung UBC Department of Computer Science
Rick Sample Summer Internship
Paul Liu, Stephanie Van Dyk UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (BA)
Tina Yang UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (BCS)
Connor Mayer UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (BUCS)
Yu Fei Long UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (COGS)
Jessie Chen UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Combined Majors)
Alyanna Uy UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Honours)
Ruiyuan Chen UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Computer Science Department Academic Award of Excellence (Majors)
Robert Sumi UBC Department of Computer Science
e-Portfolio Competition Judges' Choice Award 1st Prize (tied)
Billy Lin UBC Department of Computer Science
e-Portfolio Competition People's Choice Award 1st Prize
Tom Jin UBC Department of Computer Science
e-Portfolio Competition People's Choice Award 2nd Prize
Vlad Zaharia UBC Department of Computer Science
e-Portfolio Competition Judges' Choice Award 1st Prize (tied)
Tom Jin UBC Department of Computer Science
UBC Digital U Competition
Bio Cho UBC


Award Recipient(s) Organization
ACM Fellow
Gregor Kiczales ACM
Canada Research Chair in Algorithm Design
Nick Harvey NSERC CRC
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
Anne Condon Royal Society of Canada
Best AI Masters Thesis Award
Martin Lesmana Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
Albert Xin Jiang International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
BC TIA's 'Emerging Company of the Year' Award
Gail Murphy
SATzilla Challenge
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Jonathan Shen, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Lin Xu SAT Challenge
ACM-EC Best Student Paper Award
Kevin Leyton-Brown ACM EC
CAIAC Doctoral Dissertation Awards
Albert Xin Jiang Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Peter Wall Institute Early Career Scholar
Kevin Leyton-Brown UBC Peter Wall Institute for Advance Studies


Award Recipient(s) Organization
Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring
Joanna McGrenere UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Arvind Gupta
CS Faculty Mentoring Award
Kellogg Booth UBC Department of Computer Science

Undergrad Achievement

Award Recipient(s) Organization
TELUS Excellence in IT Award
Alan Long TELUS
TELUS Excellence in IT Award
Leemor Yuravlivker TELUS
TELUS Excellence in IT Award
Peter Cheung TELUS
Microsoft Scholarship
Maria Piao Microsoft
William Bredefeld Wins Travel Award for ACM Turing Centenary
William Bredefeld ACM SIGACT


Award Recipient(s) Organization
2011 CS Department Teaching Award
David Kirkpatrick, Ed Knorr, Joanna McGrenere, Kimberly Voll, Norm Hutchinson, Ronald Rensink UBC Department of Computer Science
Maria Klawe Endowment Award
Cheryl Lau UBC Department of Computer Science