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Recent Changes in Imager Web retrieved at 18:23 (GMT)

Reading Notes Anderson F.C., Arnold A.S., Pandy M.G., Goldberg S.R., and Delp S.L. (in press). Simulation of Walking . In Rose, J. and Gamble, J.G. (eds.): Human...
Character Animation Reading Group Archive Papers previously discussed in the reading group. Sep 21, 2005 Agenda Discussion leader: Dana Sharon `Poincare...
Starting and Calibrating ACME If kiewa has been rebooted, then the motion controller card will have been reset, which means that the gantry and linear stages will...
We have a license for VueScan Professional. The software can be downloaded here for Windows, Mac and Linux. Use the following information to unlock it: email address...
CPSC 514: Rendering This is the wiki for CPSC 514. It houses discussions for the course. Discussions Please add your discussion items to the top of the list, and...
CHI 2009 Draft Submission Stuff If you are a writer : attach an updated version of your paper, the title of your paper, and the abstract on this webpage please...
KarenParker 14 Jul 2008 WHAT: IDRG Beach Potluck WHERE: Spanish Bank East/Locarno Just West of Tolmie St. and NW Marine at the picnic tables under the...
Tony`s picks A general chi recap, including the following the workshop I attended (designing and evaluating mobile phone based interactions with large displays...
LSD Space Lab Members Faculty Kelly Booth (email) (web) Postdocs Kirstie Hawkey (email) (web) PhD Students Joel Lanir (email) (web) Karen...
Tips/Suggestions/Ideas Choosing a paper Read it before making others read it Choose one that you think is interesting Choose one that is related...
Machine information Serial number: T0333 Software version: 2.4.0p1 Vantage startup procedure 1. Hold down top UPS button until beep 1. Close the small breaker...
IDRG Time Slot for Fall 2007 This is a list of time slot conflicts and preferences for attendees of the Interaction Design Reading Group for Fall 2007 (Sep Dec)....
CHI 2008 Draft Submission Stuff If you are a writer : attach an updated version of your paper, the title of your paper, and the abstract on this webpage please...
Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG) What is the IDRG? We collectively decide on a theme we`d like to explore, and then individual members of the group select...
Main.mmt 27 Jun 2007 Replacing print head assembly There is a black tool box with the tools you need maybe above the printer Preparation 1. Unload Filament...
Replacing the Drive Block There is a black tool box with the tools you need maybe above the printer Remove drive block 1. Unfeed the Model and Support materials...
Unfeeding the material These instructions cover unloading the material from the print head, and removing the material canister 1. Main Menu Operator Control...
Autohome XYZ calibration When to do Whenever the Vantage is started What to do 1. Place a plastic sheet into the printer 1. Main Menu Operator Control...
CHI Madness Presenters (in no particular order) Nicole Rock Joel Karyn Leah Zephyr Tony Dave Yamin Clarence...
KaronMacLean 08 Mar 2006 This page is for Imager coordination of grad recruiting for 2009. No confidential material should be posted on this page. GATS (online...
Main.bertails 21 Dec 2006 vfsgfgf
2007 Imager Faculty/Staff Meetings Imager Faculty/Staff Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. Here are the currently scheduled dates...
IDRG Tips When leading a paper discussion Ask attendees to write their questions/issues on whiteboard before meeting starts Provide a short...
STUDENT TZARSHIPS Main.llachlan 19 Apr 2006
IDRG This Term`s Schedule Date Summary 2006/12/14 Cancelled? CS Dept Holiday Party 2006/12/7 543 Project Presentations...
Guide to Using dcam capture The Prosilica C mount camera is a high resolution fire wire camera that is in the PSM lab. Currently, the drivers and vendor supplied...
CS 260 Course TA and Marker information page The course web page is at: http://www.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca/~cs260/ Course Staff Contact Information Please provide a phone...
Hardware Failures Hardware Failures 1 Addax Failed 06/05/05 2 Tamara Munzner 6th May failure. Addax hard...
Imager Social Schedule (2006) These events are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, and include pizza, drinks, and demonstrations of current work from faculty...
Large Scale Display Group Meeting, x618, 26th May 06, 12.00 13.00 Here are some action items from today`s meeting (if you can remember more, please add them to the...
Large Scale Display Group Meeting, x618, 26th May 06, 12.00 13.00 Here are some action items from today`s meeting (if you can remember more, please add them to the...
Motion Capture Discussion Group Homepage Announcements Reading Group UBC Motion Capture framework Schedule To Capture To Buy Q A...
May 25, 2006 (Karon M., Karen P.) Comments on the lecture organization/notes: Idenitfied two major pinch points: Lectures on Course evaluations: Overwhelming response...
Discussion on May 19th 2006 reading group meeting Paper presented: Arikan, Okan. Compression of Motion Capture Databases , to appear in Siggraph 2006 proceedings...
Discussion on May 26th 2006 reading group meeting Paper presented: Kang Hoon Lee, Myung Geol Choi and Jehee Lee. Motion Patches: Building Blocks for Virtual Environments...
From the command line (for subversion), you would checkout the project like this: svn co svn ssh://cascade.cs.ubc.ca/imager/project/animation/svn depot/ubcmocap The...
Main.llachlan 19 Apr 2006
Plans for the large display(s) in x521/x509/x615 Multi projector software lambda Chromium/WireGL Ravin (U of T) Calgary iRoom
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Control of Running and Walking Paper One Marc H. Raibert and Jessica K. Hodgins. Animation of dynamic legged locomotion. In SIGGRAPH...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Animation as a Trajectory Optimization Problem Paper One (Spacetime Constraints) This is an example response. To add your own response...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Statistical Models of Motion Animation from Low Dimensional Control Signals Comments Questions: Using local models constructed from...
Animation using Motion Resequencing and Blending Graphs Comments Questions: It presents a new way to re assemble the captured data to create a realistic, controllable...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Motion Capture Editing Paper One This is an example response. To add your own response, click on `Edit` above. Paragraphs are separated...
MichielVanDePanne 26 Feb 2006 Group Topic 2.7: Animation Interfaces Presented by: Zhangbo Liu and Dieter Buys `Motion Doodles` This is an example response. To...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Unsolved Animation Problems
MichielVanDePanne 26 Feb 2006 Group Topic 2.8: Character Personality and Motion Aesthetics `Real Time Responsive Animation with Personality` This is an example...
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