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Results from Imager web retrieved at 02:43 (GMT)

Moving the Gantry, Stages, and Robots Local Commands on kiewa To move that gantry and stages, you can use the move command, which takes the name of the device...
Environment Setup for ACME Follow the following operations to set up your UNIX acocunt for using ACME. Most commands can be put into your cshrc file. Set the...
Reloading and Recalibrating the PUMA Robot If the PUMA robot controller has been power cycled, then it will need to be recalibrated. The PUMA will not need recalibration...
Starting and Calibrating ACME If kiewa has been rebooted, then the motion controller card will have been reset, which means that the gantry and linear stages will...
Guide to Using ACME ACME is a robotic facility located in PSM. This guide discusses general procedures for running experiments on the low level commandline interface...
MichielVanDePanne 26 Feb 2006 Group Topic 2.7: Animation Interfaces Presented by: Zhangbo Liu and Dieter Buys `Motion Doodles` This is an example response. To...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Unsolved Animation Problems
Description Controlling the HDR camcorders using the Arduino prototyping board. LANC Command Set Below is the list of RAW LANC commands that exist. These are not...
Articulated Swimming Creatures Contribution: Evaluation: Reproducibility: Improvements: Contribution: The paper presents a simulation environment for articulated...
Real time Control of Walking for Biomechanical Models of Bipeds This page presents the project Real time Control of Walking for Biomechanical Models of Bipeds started...
Real time Control of Walking for Biomechanical Models of Bipeds, TODO List Research TODO DONE Read Simulation of Walking SimulationOfWalkingComments Comments...
Discussion on May 19th 2006 reading group meeting Paper presented: Arikan, Okan. Compression of Motion Capture Databases , to appear in Siggraph 2006 proceedings...
Discussion on May 26th 2006 reading group meeting Paper presented: Kang Hoon Lee, Myung Geol Choi and Jehee Lee. Motion Patches: Building Blocks for Virtual Environments...
Character Animation Reading Group Archive Papers previously discussed in the reading group. Sep 21, 2005 Agenda Discussion leader: Dana Sharon `Poincare...
CPSC 314 Planning 2013 teaching plan GoogleDoc Wiemanization: learning goals Wiemanization: ideas intro tutorials and assignment about code development in...
CPSC 514: Rendering This is the wiki for CPSC 514. It houses discussions for the course. Discussions Please add your discussion items to the top of the list, and...
CPSC 526 Class Wiki Papers Date Paper Reviews Fri Nov 18 Evolving Virtual Creatures ^ Practical Character Physics for Animators Fri Nov...
CS 260 Course TA and Marker information page The course web page is at: http://www.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca/~cs260/ Course Staff Contact Information Please provide a phone...
Video/Screen Capture and Editing Video capture (or screen capture) and video editing capabilities are available on the shared machine caber. It sits in x...
Practical Character Physics For Animators Review : `Practical Character Physics for Animators` Contribution: Interactive system to enhance character motions, by...
Character Animation Reading Group Homepage MOCCA: Motion Control and Character Animation Meetings Mar 16, 2012 Shailen presents, x718, 11am Continuation...
Character Animation Home Welcome to the home page of the Character Animation group at UBC. Character animation people at UBC MichielVanDePanne (faculty)...
JamesGregson 18 Feb 2011 Espresso/Milk Czar Duties Ensure steady supply of coffee beans, milk and tea for the imager coffee pool Stocks cleaning supplies...
If you would like your machine to be frozen because of a conference deadline, please add the appropriate information in the table below and also send an e mail to...
Configuration Hardware CyberwareColor 3D Digitizer Model: 3030RGB/MS Serial: 1208 Mfg.: June 2003 Software TBD Guide to using the Cyberware...
JamesGregson 18 Feb 2011 Czar of Czars Duties With the Faculty Overseer, the Czar of Czars helps to maintain the Czar system by: Maintaining an up to date list...
JamesGregson 29 Jan 2013 Czarship Duties Czar of Czars Maintain current list of Czarships and Czars Work with faculty to fill Czarships left vacant by...
Imager Czarships Below is the current list of Czarships, the member of IMAGER responsible for that area, when they are likely to need replacing, and who their supervisor...
Back to PSM Lab DLP Light Commander The DLP Light Commander is a projector with really, really fast refresh rates and precision timing. Overview Quick Stats...
Development Standards and Principles Brad`s AMoRe presentation on 2009.09.17 on the paper below is timely, for me at least, because in the previous week I started...
Imager Personal Disk Usage Policy created: June 21, 2010 modified: July 12, 2010 The Imager lab provides members a flexible amount of network accessible, good performance...
Main.llachlan 19 Apr 2006
2007 Imager Faculty/Staff Meetings Imager Faculty/Staff Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. Here are the currently scheduled dates...
Frequently Asked Questions How do we dispose old equipment? Waste Management has an e waste recycling day, first Monday of every month, from 8:00am to 3:00pm....
Generalized Biped Walking Control Contribution: Evaluation: Reproducibility: Improvements: MichielVanDePanne 24 Nov 2011 (a) What is the contribution of the paper...
KaronMacLean 08 Mar 2006 This page is for Imager coordination of grad recruiting for 2009. No confidential material should be posted on this page. GATS (online...
MichielVanDePanne 26 Feb 2006 Group Topic 2.8: Character Personality and Motion Aesthetics `Real Time Responsive Animation with Personality` This is an example...
HCI@UBC Working Group Wiki This page is for folks working on the HCI@UBC website Faculty: Karon MacLean, Joanna McGrenere, Kelly Booth Grad students: Karen Parker...
HCI Experiments A place to put tips, suggestions, and best practices on running experiments. Procedure 1 Design and develop experiment 1 Get ethics approval...
HCI Resources This wiki page contains a list of resources that have been found useful for various HCI applications. Paper Management and Exploration Mendeley...
HCI Study Participant Recruiting Resources Here are some suggestions for finding and recruiting healthy study participants from different populations. Recruiting...
Basics 1. Setup the cameras. For best results, adjust each camera and/or the beamsplitter so that the image seen in the camera viewfinders are as lined up as possible...
Hardware Failures Hardware Failures 1 Addax Failed 06/05/05 2 Tamara Munzner 6th May failure. Addax hard...
Hardware Failures Hardware Failures 1 Addax Failed 06/05/05 2 Tamara Munzner 6th May failure. Addax hard...
Dolby DR 37P Standard Operating Procedures This document describes Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that should be followed for the Brightside/Dolby DR 37P HDR...
IDRG Time Slot for Fall 2007 This is a list of time slot conflicts and preferences for attendees of the Interaction Design Reading Group for Fall 2007 (Sep Dec)....
Imager Socials Description See also the `imager lab` google calendar. Held on 4th Wed of month, generally Sept Nov, Jan May. Current Moderator: Karon MacLean (history...
Imager equipment and operating instructions Here you can find (and contribute) information about Imager equipment (video cameras, microphones, DVD burners, software...
Imager Faculty/Staff Calendar Imager Facstaff Google Calendar NOTE: this calendar is private to members of imager faculty and staff. It is owned by Wolfgang Heidrich...
New Member Check in Form 1.If you are a new student, please first check in with the main office in CS Room 201 (second floor, across from ICICS main office). 2.Then...
Imager machine list Note: This list is no longer maintained. Each lab may have their own list of machines. machine list Nov21 2008.xls: added owner To query...
Imager seating map Note: PDFs are editable using Adobe Illustrator (or Acrobat)
Imager Social Schedule (2006) These events are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, and include pizza, drinks, and demonstrations of current work from faculty...
Imager software list Imager software includes 3DSMax, Adobe flash, Quicktime Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, SPSS. They are installed in the guest machine. Useful department...
Imager Technical Information Installation of SuSE Packages modified: Mar 27, 2012 Packages cannot be installed until they have been verified not to conflict...
Current meeting czar: Zipeng direct questions and updates about meetings to me via email (zipeng at cs.ubc.ca) Summer 2020 3 4:30pm Thursdays / Location: online...
Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG) 2005 2006 Paper for 01.09.06 Awareness rez version) by Heath, C., Svensson, M. S., Hindmarsh, J., Luff, P., and vom Lehn, D...
CHI 2008 Draft Submission Stuff If you are a writer : attach an updated version of your paper, the title of your paper, and the abstract on this webpage please...
Tony`s picks A general chi recap, including the following the workshop I attended (designing and evaluating mobile phone based interactions with large displays...
CHI 2009 Draft Submission Stuff If you are a writer : attach an updated version of your paper, the title of your paper, and the abstract on this webpage please...
CHI Madness Presenters (in no particular order) Nicole Rock Joel Karyn Leah Zephyr Tony Dave Yamin Clarence...
Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG) What is the IDRG? We collectively decide on a theme we`d like to explore, and then individual members of the group select...
MUX meeting supersedes IDRG as of Jan 2011. Presenter Queue A Presenter Queue has been set up to help IDRGers take turns and present at times that work best with...
IDRG This Term`s Schedule Date Summary 2006/12/14 Cancelled? CS Dept Holiday Party 2006/12/7 543 Project Presentations...
KarenParker 14 Jul 2008 WHAT: IDRG Beach Potluck WHERE: Spanish Bank East/Locarno Just West of Tolmie St. and NW Marine at the picnic tables under the...
Tips/Suggestions/Ideas Choosing a paper Read it before making others read it Choose one that you think is interesting Choose one that is related...
IDRG Tips When leading a paper discussion Ask attendees to write their questions/issues on whiteboard before meeting starts Provide a short...
What To Do If You Have A Technical Problem If you run into a technical problem, these are the general steps you should follow: Urgent: 1) Email help #64;csDELETEthisTEXT...
VariSpec Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter (LCTF) by CRi (This page is a work in progress...) This document provides README level information about the LCTF in the PSM...
Czars When preparing to host a visitor, please coordinate with the primary Imager demo czar (Brad Atcheson atcheson #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca) or the appropriate...
Plans for the large display(s) in x521/x509/x615 Multi projector software lambda Chromium/WireGL Ravin (U of T) Calgary iRoom
Main.davage 15 Jun 2011 SuSE Version Upgrade Help Can someone please comment on problems with NVIDIA (permissions/groups/etc...)? Compiling MDA after an upgrade...
Large Scale Display Group Meeting, x618, 26th May 06, 12.00 13.00 Here are some action items from today`s meeting (if you can remember more, please add them to the...
LSD Space Lab Members Faculty Kelly Booth (email) (web) Postdocs Kirstie Hawkey (email) (web) PhD Students Joel Lanir (email) (web) Karen...
MDA (This page is a work in progress...) This document provides README level information about the MDA (Multi Dimensional Array) package developed by Wolfgang Heidrich...
Main.davage 15 Jun 2011 SuSE Version Upgrade Help : MDA BAD PATHWAYS MDA: it appears that the previous MDA setups have used version specific pathways to ImageMagick...
Back to MUX Space MUX Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) if you have a question, post it here. if you know the answer to an unanswered question, please post it. if...
MUX DUTIES Name Time Estimate MUX meeting czar Izabelle Janzen assigned 11.2018 MUX social czar (4 5 names, take turns) Michael Oppermann, Hayley...
Internal MUX page here for public facing page) Czar Current Czar: Izabelle Janzen mux czar #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Past Czars: Soheil Kianzad (May...
History of Previous MUX Meetings Return to Current MUX Roster Meetings, 2013 Dec 04, 2013 Syavash Nobarany Research Update Syavash gave an update on his...
Machine Specs For the Shared Imager Machine in x660 (caber) video card: nVidia 8600GT
CharlotteTang 17 Feb 2011
May 25, 2006 (Karon M., Karen P.) Comments on the lecture organization/notes: Idenitfied two major pinch points: Lectures on Course evaluations: Overwhelming response...
Large Scale Display Group Meeting, x618, 26th May 06, 12.00 13.00 Here are some action items from today`s meeting (if you can remember more, please add them to the...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Motion Capture Editing Paper One This is an example response. To add your own response, click on `Edit` above. Paragraphs are separated...
Animation using Motion Resequencing and Blending Graphs Comments Questions: It presents a new way to re assemble the captured data to create a realistic, controllable...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Statistical Models of Motion Animation from Low Dimensional Control Signals Comments Questions: Using local models constructed from...
Motion Capture Discussion Group Homepage Announcements Reading Group UBC Motion Capture framework Schedule To Capture To Buy Q A...
MUX Space MUX Lab duties MUX Email Lists MUX Meetings Details MUX Seating MUX Shared Computing Resources MUX FAQ Other: How to write...
Ideas for a new Imager wide second year course. ( First or third year are also a possibility, but it should be `lower` than existing 314/344, and probably require...
Main.bertails 21 Dec 2006 vfsgfgf
Overview Workflow ALARIS30 WARNING!! Liquid printing material is toxic: msds 001.pdf . Use gloves and/or goggles if needed. Quickstart Note: if your model is...
ALARIS30 (Maintenance) Memo1.m4a: Brad`s recording of the printer noise Decision: print large thin objects so that the whole roller/knife assembly gets used. ~...
Reading Notes Scott L. Delp, Frank C. Anderson, Allison S. Arnold, Peter Loan, Ayman Habib, Chand T. John, Eran Guendelman, and Darryl G. Thelen. OpenSim: Open Source...
Optical Computing Group Meeting Minutes By Date Main.joelaf 08 Jun 2011
Optical component inventory Description Supplier Part Number Quantity Notes Lens PCX 75x75 Edmund...
Optimizing Walking Controllers Contribution: Evaluation: Reproducibility: Improvements: MichielVanDePanne 24 Nov 2011 Contribution The study describes a controller...
Ordering Software Licenses (In progress) Procedure for ordering software or computer hardware: Ordering should be done through Ming and the tech staff. Vivian makes...
Google Account settings Access Google analytics here: http://www.google.com/analytics/ , with login info given here Currently we are logging these sites:...
Paper Summaries Fourier Optics Papers and Others for Gordon`s Contrast Reduction Work Other Topic Lukas reading list on Wave optics, holography, time...
Making a video Pixels Inches Ratio width height width height w/h 320 240 3.34 2.5 1.33 640 480 6.67 5...
Physics based Person Tracking Using the Anthropomorphic Walker Contribution: Evaluation: Reproducibility: Improvements: Contribution : Physics based Model for tracking...
Pop Pool suggestions for items Please add items that you would like to see added to the Pop Pool inventory if they are not in the list that follows. Newly requested...
Location Port Map for Room x709 and x711 Location (Refer to the map) Subnet Port Number Location (Refer...
Natural Postural Adjustments for Physics based Characters This page presents the project Natural Postural Adjustments for Physics based Characters . Description...
PowerPoint is a product by Mickeysoft. Main.spark343 18 Aug 2005
Imager Tech Group and Problem Tracking Procedures The committee has the following members: Robert Bridson faculty rep Glen Lee techstaff rep...
These are some thoughts I put together on how to structure an SVN repository for a new project. I wrote them while setting up the repository for the DepthPerception...
Guide to Using dcam capture The Prosilica C mount camera is a high resolution fire wire camera that is in the PSM lab. Currently, the drivers and vendor supplied...
$ Cg 1.4.0 : nVidia Cg shader language. Stand alone compiler and libraries. $ Digiclops2.3.1.4 FC3 : Digiclops stereo vision SDK $ ImageMagick...
Description The PSM Lab has a number of addition programs and libraries that may be of value to people working in the lab. While there is department wide space provided...
PSM Seat Map x709 psm seat map.gif:
Physical Simulation And Measurement Lab SuSE Version Upgrade Help How to structure a project`s SVN repository Development Standards and Principles...
Travel Reimbursements The current forms for travel reimbursement are attached below one for students and post docs and one for faculty. Please submit the completed...
RenderOGL Software Package This page contains a little primer for getting started with the RenderOGL project. It contains the following sections: Subversion...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Control of Running and Walking Paper One Marc H. Raibert and Jessica K. Hodgins. Animation of dynamic legged locomotion. In SIGGRAPH...
SIGGRAPH Flights old info from 2008? Here are a list of travel options for going to SIGGRAPH. Please add options as you see fit. The default travel dates are Sunday...
Topic Time Location Web Tutorial IQ Manual Editing Friday, June 17, 2005 X527 Web Tutorial IQ VST file Editing Friday, July 15, 2005...
Seat Maps for Imager Labs Imager x660 PSM x709 710 MUX x508 x432
PSM shared calendar The lab uses a shared calendar (hosted by Google Calendar) where people can record their availability and schedule group meetings. If you plan...
Tongue firmly in cheek, here is our prediction for the SIGGRAPH 2009 papers. Please add as you see fit! TRDFs: Tridirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions...
Evolution of the Simbicon Framework This page presents the project Evolution of the Simbicon Framework led by PhilippeBeaudoin under the supervision of MichielVanDePanne...
Reading Notes Anderson F.C., Arnold A.S., Pandy M.G., Goldberg S.R., and Delp S.L. (in press). Simulation of Walking . In Rose, J. and Gamble, J.G. (eds.): Human...
Main.oxenford 02 Jun 2005 Where To Buy Food And Drink What To Buy Where To Buy Food And Drink Safeway: They need at least 2 days notice for party...
Imager Social Event Logistics Archive Below is documentation on past Imager social events, to give organizers of new events guidance on e.g. budget, sources, timing...
Imager Tech Weekly Meeting Open Problems List Every Tuesday @ 11:30 12:30 Core Attendees: Robert Bridson(faculty rep), Glen Lee(tech staff rep), Brad Atcheson...
Machine information Serial number: T0333 Software version: 2.4.0p1 Vantage startup procedure 1. Hold down top UPS button until beep 1. Close the small breaker...
STUDENT TZARSHIPS Main.llachlan 19 Apr 2006
PSM Summer Internships 2009 This page serves to collect useful information for the summer internships. Projects Arduino Controller Project HDR Camera Project...
placeholder text KarenParker 18 Nov 2005
To do Demonstrate increased robustness of RL in a video. Simbicon turning controller for the raptor perturbation fall. RL turning controller perturbation...
Writing a CHI rebuttal Here are some useful resources on writing a CHI rebuttal. Examples Examples of the reviews, the reviewers` ratings (initial and post rebuttal...
Tomography Group Meeting Minutes By Date June 10 2011: Tomography Brainstorming session. June 9 2011: Handheld Schlieren Tomography. Multilayer 3D Displays...
June 10 2011 Handheld Schlieren Photography. Multilayer 3D Displays. Goal: Main.davage 10 Jun 2011 PSMJellyfishMinutes 06 09 2011.pdf: PSM Jellyfish...
June 11 2011 Tomography Brainstorming Session. Ideas I`m wondering about the current state of scanning pouring liquids? We often get a qualitative description...
June 7 2011 Tomographic Study of Crystal Jellyfish. PSMJellyfishMinutes 06 06 2011.pdf: PSM Jellyfish Minutes 06 06 2011 JellyfishMinutes 06 06 2011.pdf...
June 8 2011 Fluid Tomography: Bubble Trajectory Goal: Capture particle trajectories in fluids. Methods: Array of 8 video cameras. Synchronized...
June 9 2011 Glass Tomography: Inhomogeneous Translucent Materials Goal: Reconstruction of the internal structure as well as surface geometry of inhomogeneous...
MichielVanDePanne 27 Feb 2006 Animation as a Trajectory Optimization Problem Paper One (Spacetime Constraints) This is an example response. To add your own response...
Imager Twiki and Website Access Twiki access In general, if a person registers their TwikiName on the CS department registration page (.../view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration...
From the command line (for subversion), you would checkout the project like this: svn co svn ssh://cascade.cs.ubc.ca/imager/project/animation/svn depot/ubcmocap The...
Useful Stuff This is a collection of miscellaneous shell scripts, commands, config stuff, and generally just things that you wouldn`t want to have to search for online...
Autohome XYZ calibration When to do Whenever the Vantage is started What to do 1. Place a plastic sheet into the printer 1. Main Menu Operator Control...
Unfeeding the material These instructions cover unloading the material from the print head, and removing the material canister 1. Main Menu Operator Control...
Replacing the Drive Block There is a black tool box with the tools you need maybe above the printer Remove drive block 1. Unfeed the Model and Support materials...
Main.mmt 27 Jun 2007 Replacing print head assembly There is a black tool box with the tools you need maybe above the printer Preparation 1. Unload Filament...
Evolving Virtual Creatures Contribution: Virtual characters are represented as directed graphs having nodes and connection. A genetic language based evolution of motor...
updated by LauraSelander 2 May 2016 Introduction The first step is for the faculty member to fill out a Visitor Request Form, located here: https://www.cs.ubc...
We have a license for VueScan Professional. The software can be downloaded here for Windows, Mac and Linux. Use the following information to unlock it: email address...
Lukas` seminars; introduction to Fourier and wave optics, the linear canonical transform, and time frequency analysis Overview When: Each week after PSM group...
TWiki`s Imager web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Imager. This is a web based collaboration area for the Imager lab for graphics, visualization, and HCI. Imager GA Current: Laura...
Web Web Home Changes Index Search Webs
Imager Web: Maintenance Procedures Updated July 2009 General page edits in general only edit content between `include(`includes/top.php`);` and `` The PHP code...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Imager web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to...
Imager Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Imager web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and...
/Imager The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
May 2009 1018 68 1 216 WebRss 168 PsmSpace 130 SummerInternships 88 WebHome 50 PsmPackageSystem 49 StatusReport 43 UsefulScripts...
Top Menu of Imager Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Imager web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
KaronMacLean Imager Web: Status To Do (2008 09) Updated Aug 09 2009 KM ANDRE, PLEASE COMMENT BELOW WHEN TASKS ARE DONE: replace NOT DONE with DONE mm/dd...
Number of topics: 166

See also the faster WebTopicList

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