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Results from Imager web retrieved at 23:17 (GMT)

CPSC 314 Planning 2013 teaching plan GoogleDoc Wiemanization: learning goals Wiemanization: ideas intro tutorials and assignment about code development in...
CPSC 514: Rendering This is the wiki for CPSC 514. It houses discussions for the course. Discussions Please add your discussion items to the top of the list, and...
CPSC 526 Class Wiki Papers Date Paper Reviews Fri Nov 18 Evolving Virtual Creatures ^ Practical Character Physics for Animators Fri Nov...
CS 260 Course TA and Marker information page The course web page is at: http://www.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca/~cs260/ Course Staff Contact Information Please provide a phone...
Character Animation Reading Group Homepage MOCCA: Motion Control and Character Animation Meetings Mar 16, 2012 Shailen presents, x718, 11am Continuation...
If you would like your machine to be frozen because of a conference deadline, please add the appropriate information in the table below and also send an e mail to...
Imager Czarships Below is the current list of Czarships, the member of IMAGER responsible for that area, when they are likely to need replacing, and who their supervisor...
KaronMacLean 08 Mar 2006 This page is for Imager coordination of grad recruiting for 2009. No confidential material should be posted on this page. GATS (online...
HCI@UBC Working Group Wiki This page is for folks working on the HCI@UBC website Faculty: Karon MacLean, Joanna McGrenere, Kelly Booth Grad students: Karen Parker...
HCI Study Participant Recruiting Resources Here are some suggestions for finding and recruiting healthy study participants from different populations. Recruiting...
Imager Socials Description See also the `imager lab` google calendar. Held on 4th Wed of month, generally Sept Nov, Jan May. Current Moderator: Karon MacLean (history...
Imager equipment and operating instructions Here you can find (and contribute) information about Imager equipment (video cameras, microphones, DVD burners, software...
Imager Faculty/Staff Calendar Imager Facstaff Google Calendar NOTE: this calendar is private to members of imager faculty and staff. It is owned by Wolfgang Heidrich...
New Member Check in Form 1.If you are a new student, please first check in with the main office in CS Room 201 (second floor, across from ICICS main office). 2.Then...
Imager software list Imager software includes 3DSMax, Adobe flash, Quicktime Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, SPSS. They are installed in the guest machine. Useful department...
Imager Technical Information Installation of SuSE Packages modified: Mar 27, 2012 Packages cannot be installed until they have been verified not to conflict...
Current meeting czar: Zipeng direct questions and updates about meetings to me via email (zipeng at cs.ubc.ca) Summer 2020 3 4:30pm Thursdays / Location: online...
Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG) 2005 2006 Paper for 01.09.06 Awareness rez version) by Heath, C., Svensson, M. S., Hindmarsh, J., Luff, P., and vom Lehn, D...
What To Do If You Have A Technical Problem If you run into a technical problem, these are the general steps you should follow: Urgent: 1) Email help #64;csDELETEthisTEXT...
Czars When preparing to host a visitor, please coordinate with the primary Imager demo czar (Brad Atcheson atcheson #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca) or the appropriate...
May 25, 2006 (Karon M., Karen P.) Comments on the lecture organization/notes: Idenitfied two major pinch points: Lectures on Course evaluations: Overwhelming response...
Motion Capture Discussion Group Homepage Announcements Reading Group UBC Motion Capture framework Schedule To Capture To Buy Q A...
MUX Space MUX Lab duties MUX Email Lists MUX Meetings Details MUX Seating MUX Shared Computing Resources MUX FAQ Other: How to write...
Ordering Software Licenses (In progress) Procedure for ordering software or computer hardware: Ordering should be done through Ming and the tech staff. Vivian makes...
Pop Pool suggestions for items Please add items that you would like to see added to the Pop Pool inventory if they are not in the list that follows. Newly requested...
Physical Simulation And Measurement Lab SuSE Version Upgrade Help How to structure a project`s SVN repository Development Standards and Principles...
Seat Maps for Imager Labs Imager x660 PSM x709 710 MUX x508 x432
Tongue firmly in cheek, here is our prediction for the SIGGRAPH 2009 papers. Please add as you see fit! TRDFs: Tridirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions...
Imager Social Event Logistics Archive Below is documentation on past Imager social events, to give organizers of new events guidance on e.g. budget, sources, timing...
placeholder text KarenParker 18 Nov 2005
Writing a CHI rebuttal Here are some useful resources on writing a CHI rebuttal. Examples Examples of the reviews, the reviewers` ratings (initial and post rebuttal...
Imager Twiki and Website Access Twiki access In general, if a person registers their TwikiName on the CS department registration page (.../view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration...
Web Web Home Changes Index Search Webs
Imager Web: Maintenance Procedures Updated July 2009 General page edits in general only edit content between `include(`includes/top.php`);` and `` The PHP code...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Imager web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to...
Imager Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Imager web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and...
May 2009 1018 68 1 216 WebRss 168 PsmSpace 130 SummerInternships 88 WebHome 50 PsmPackageSystem 49 StatusReport 43 UsefulScripts...
KaronMacLean Imager Web: Status To Do (2008 09) Updated Aug 09 2009 KM ANDRE, PLEASE COMMENT BELOW WHEN TASKS ARE DONE: replace NOT DONE with DONE mm/dd...
Number of topics: 38

Results from Main web retrieved at 23:17 (GMT)

Name: Karon MacLean Login Name: maclean Email: maclean #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Phone: 822 8169 Office: ICICS x641 Department: CS USEFUL...
Name: Kevin Loken Login Name: kloken Email: kloken #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Department: Imager Lab Comment: M. Sc. student of Michiel van de...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links My home page ARTIFACT Imager edit
Name: Philippe Beaudoin Login Name: beaudoin Email: beaudoin #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Phone: (604) 827 3992 Office: X653 Lab: X660 (Imager...
Info Name: Steve Yohanan Login Name: yohanan Email: yohanan #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Phone: x7 3982 Department: Computer Science...
Number of topics: 5

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